Labor Issues Rising At Mines!!!

Mining News

Mining fields are becoming a platform for riots between groups these days. Recently it came into hearing that 3 silver and gold mines were shut down due to riots between labors. Carlos Slim, among the most powerful men of the world owns these mines and are situated in Mexico.

Main reason which came up was the quarrel between 2 competitor groups at the mine field. One group manages the labors and the other one is the contractor of the mine. It was also in the news that the owner has terminated almost 200 labors but the company spokesman is denying the fact. These riots results in reputation of company and results to face media cross questioning.

Shanghai Zenith Company provides crushing machinery to mines like these and has machines that are equipped with latest technologies. This company has been in this line of business for years and has been manufacturing different machinery which is used in different mines for different purposes. 


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